TANGERANG - A man whose identity has not been identified was found dead in the Tigaraksa Regional Government Lake, Tangerang Regency. The victim allegedly slipped and then drowned in the lake. Tangerang Regency BPBD Emergency and Logistics Head, Abdul Munir, said the body was found on Monday, November 28, at 12:33 WIB. "It is suspected that he slipped until he finally drowned in Tigaraksa Regional Government Lake," Munir said when confirmed, Monday, November 28. Munir explained the chronology of the discovery of the body starting from a resident's report. At that time the victim had ordered coffee from a witness located on the edge of the Tigaraksa Regional Government Lake.

"When the coffee arrived 20 minutes later the coffee maker suspected that the person had not appeared," he said.

After the witness found out that the victim drowned in Tigaraksa Regional Government Lake, the witness reported to the Tangerang Regency BPBD and police officers. This was done further action. "The identity of the victim has not been identified," he concluded.

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