JAKARTA - The police began investigating the existence of the King Of The King figure after several busy discussions became public. Their existence is considered to have caused confusion because they are considered to be spreading fake news.

The alleged criminal act of spreading fake news is based on the findings of a banner that reads a narrative about the ownership of trillions of rupiah which could pay off Indonesia's debts.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said, if proven to spread fake news, the leadership of King Of The King could be suspected of Article 14 and Article 15 of Law Number 1 Year 1946, regarding the broadcast of fake news.

"So far there are allegations about the violation of the spread of fake news," Yusri said in Jakarta, Thursday, January 30.

Currently, a number of parties have been examined to investigate this matter. "It has been clarified, first is Prapto (the banner installer). Then, there are several related institutions, criminal experts have already. Linguists have also done it," he said, adding that investigators would conduct a case title to follow up on this information.

"Today a case title has been conducted to determine a criminal offense," said Yusri.

Article 14 contains about; Anyone, by broadcasting false news or announcements, deliberately publishing disturbances among the people, is punished with a maximum imprisonment of ten years.

Meanwhile, Article 15 of Law Number 1 Year 1946 contains; Anyone who broadcasts news that is uncertain or news that is excessive or incomplete, while he understands at least it should be able to suspect that such news will or has been able to generate confusion among the people, is punished by a maximum imprisonment of two years.

Some time ago, a banner appeared that said King of the King in Tangerang City. The banner shows the figure of Mister Dony Pedro. He is a figure who is called the king of all kings and has assets worth Rp.60,000 trillion.

On the banner it was written, Mister Dony Pedro had a number of tasks, including paying off Indonesia's foreign debts, distributing them to the Indonesian people from Sabang to Merauke, and finally buying the main equipment of the defense system (alutsista).

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