JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkominfo) in collaboration with the National Movement for Digital Cybercreation Literacy has carried out digital literacy to more than 14.6 million people.

In the course of the #MakinCakapDigital Program since it was first launched in 2021, it focuses on increasing the insight and digital skills of the Indonesian people which are measured based on four digital pillars, namely Digital Diversity, Digital Ethics, Digital Security, and Digital Culture.

Berdasarkan survei Hootsuit tahun 2021, pengguna internet aktif di Indonesia sudah mencapai 202.6 juta dengan pengguna aktif sosial media sebesar 170 juta pengguna, di mana data ini mengalami pertumbuhan yang masif sebesar 15.5 persen dari tahun 2020.

This massive growth opens up space for increased misuse of information and communication technology and the internet, such as data theft, hacking, spreading hoaxes, and so on. On this basis, digital literacy is very necessary to improve the cognitive ability of the Indonesian people through various educational activities about digital literacy skills.

A national survey by the Ministry of Communication and Information with Kata Data in 2021 shows that the digital literacy index of Indonesians is at the middle level with a score of 3.49. This is an increase when compared to the same conditions in 2020 which show a score of 3.46.

Kemenkominfo akan terus meningkatkan pencapaian tersebut dengan menyasar kelompok-kelompok strategis di masyarakat. Untuk meningkatkan skor indeks literasi digital Indonesia ke level baik dan memenuhi target sebanyak 5,5 juta orang mendapatkan literasi digital, Kemenkominfo berkolaborasi dengan Gerakan Nasional Literasi Digital Siberkreasi berupaya meningkatkan literasi digital masyarakat melalui program "Indonesia Makin Capap Digital 2022".

This program aims to build insight and knowledge related to digital literacy in the form of webinars (seminars and online discussions), talk shows in hybrid (offline and online) formats, as well as special events to support digital literacy activities. The implementation of activities from the program is divided into two segments, namely for the education segment and segment of community/community groups; which are spread across nine regions which are determined based on the proportional amount of internet use in Indonesia.

In 2022, digital literacy training will be provided to 5.5 million people. Digital literacy performance has begun to show an increase in terms of quality.

"The opportunity for digital skills needs to be utilized optimally, considering that we have great human resource potential," said the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Johnny G. Plate, in his remarks at the Makin Capable Digital program.

Digital literacy activities are expected to contribute to efforts to stop the spread of hoax news and the negative impact of internet abuse by increasing the cognitive ability of the Indonesian people through various educational programs of digital literacy skills. Being a digital literacy means being able to process various information, being able to understand messages, and communicating effectively with others in various forms.

In addition, being able to digital literacy can spur individuals to switch from passive consumers to active producers, both individually and as part of the community. Digital literacy will also create a public order with a critical and creative mindset and view.

Public members will not be easily consumed by provocative issues and become victims of hoax information or victims of digital-based fraud.

On Thursday, November 24, 2022, the Ministry of Communication and Information together with cybercreation held a webinar for community/community groups in the Sumatra region this November with the theme "Digital Business Concept: Search Engine Marketing".

The webinar was attended by more than 1,300 people, presenting Fajria Fatmasari, Head of the APP Jakarta Polytechnic Business Incubator & Digital Literacy Pradipta Nugrahanto, CEO & Co-founder of Paperik Soeara Rakjat; and Tio Prasetyo, Chief Business Officer of Paperik Soeara Rakjat, as a resource person.

In the webinar, Fajria Fatmasari discussed the concept of search engine marketing from a digital skills perspective.

"Four benefits using SEM that need to be known. First, SEM can increase the conversion rate of your website. Second, Relatively the effect is faster than SEO. Finally, it can determine the target audience," said Fajria Fatmasari.

Tio Prasetyo enriched the discussion about the search engine marketing concept from a digital ethical perspective.

"Three ethics that need to be known in using the SEM. First, you must not use content or photos of other products. Second, you must not create promotional content that vilifies other products. Finally, always provide honest information to consumers," said Tio Prasetyo.

Pradipta Nugrahanto completed the discussion on the concept of search engine marketing reviewed from the perspective of the digital safe pillar.

"Three tips are safe from digital crime. First, do not carelessly open links or websites that are not from trusted sources. Second, do not spread personal information on the internet. Finally, always upgrade your digital rank security features", said Pradipta Nugrahanto.

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