JAKARTA - The Cianjur Police, West Java, has arrested Dd (44) a teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, the perpetrator of sexual harassment against dozens of his students that has occurred in the last two years.

The information collected stated that Dd often carried out his brutal actions in the classroom with the threat of bad grades for students who refused and reported.

The head of the Cianjur Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Anton, said that the sports teacher's corrupt acts were revealed after some parents were suspicious that their children's scores were high but their children never learned. After being persuaded by several parents, their children admitted that they often received indecent acts from Dd.

"The victim's parents reported this to the Cianjur Police Headquarters, until finally we arrested the perpetrator. In front of the officers, he admitted that he had carried out the action since two years ago, during recess or when the students were about to return home," said AKP Anton in Cianjur, as reported by the police. Between, Monday, December 14th.

Until now, said Anton, the perpetrator had recorded 30 students who were victims of sodomy at the school. However, only nine parents had reported the crime to the Cianjur Police Headquarters. The police estimate that the number of victims will increase along with the developments being made on the perpetrators.

His party will ensnare the perpetrators with article 82 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of Law Number 17/2016 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 23/2002 concerning Child Protection with a maximum imprisonment of 15 years in prison.

"We appeal to other victims to report immediately and our identities will be kept secret," he said.

Meanwhile Dd said that he had been a victim of sodomy, so now he is always tempted to see his students. To channel his deviant sexual desires, Dd often seduced victims with high scores and bad grades if they did not comply.

"I was a victim of sodomy, so if I saw a boy in lust I was unstoppable. Usually I threaten that if I don't serve I will give bad grades, if I report to the teacher or my parents will get bad grades too," he said.

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