JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Ahmad Taufan Damanik said he would recall the Jakarta Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran to be questioned regarding the shooting of six Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) soldiers on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

This summons was made again because the examination of Fadil which was held this afternoon had not been completed due to time constraints.

"Because time is very limited, yes and this request for information has not been completed, we will explore it again," Taufan told reporters at the Komnas HAM office, Monday, December 14.

According to him, Polda Metro Jaya has also promised to be open to investigations conducted by Komnas HAM. Including, regarding evidence in the field.

In addition, at the next summons, Komnas HAM will examine more information from Fadil regarding the shooting case involving his subordinates.

"We will explore more one by one from various aspects. Earlier it was agreed that the Head of the Metro Jaya Police would be open and have any commitments needed by Komnas HAM regarding information on data and evidence," he said.

In addition, Taufan said that Komnas HAM will summon FPI. That way, all parties involved in this case will be examined by Komnas HAM.

Meanwhile, regarding when the examination should be completed, Taufan admitted that there was no definite time. However, he confirmed that he would complete an investigation into the shooting incident.

"We were not given our deadline, but we will try as soon as possible, as clearly as possible. We have also divided the task," he said.

As previously reported, the police attack by laskar Rizieq Shihab took place around 00.30 WIB Monday, December 7 in the morning.

Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran said that the police received news that the mass of supporters of Rizieq Shihab would be deployed in connection with the investigation called Inspector General Fadil circulating in many WhatsApp groups.

The Regional Police investigated the truth of the information and followed the vehicle Rizieq was in. On the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, Fadil said the officers' vehicles were intercepted and then attacked using firearms and sharp weapons.

"Members who were threatened with their safety because they were attacked, then took a firm measure of measure, so that the group suspected of being MRS followers, totaling 10, died as many as 6 people," said Fadil.

However, this was denied by the FPI spokesman, Munarman. Munarman emphasized that Rizieq had traveled to attend recitation at the residence of his immediate family.

"The news is slander. Habib Rizieq is heading outside Jakarta to attend the nuclear family recitation. I do not want to mention where it is. This is only a nuclear family recitation, it does not involve any parties," said Munarman.

Munarman also denied that Rizieq's followers had firearms. Therefore, Munarman emphasized that no shootout was carried out by the police and members of the laskar.

Currently, the five bodies that have been buried in the Megamendung Sharia Markaz complex are Andi Oktiawan (33), Faiz Ahmad Syukur (22), Ahmad Sofiyan alias Ambon (26), Muhammad Suci Khadavi (21) and Lutfi Hakim (25). Meanwhile, the body of Muhammad Reza (20) was buried by the family.

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