JAKARTA - The Surakarta Customs destroyed 3,850,560 illegal cigarettes, confiscated during the period December 2021-October 2022, by burning them in the yard of the Surakarta Customs Office, Central Java.

In addition to excise cigarettes, Customs and Excise also destroys drinks containing ethyl alcohol or alcoholic liquor that do not comply with laws and regulations and imported goods violate the prohibition and restriction provisions via the Post Office Lalu Bea Solo 2021.

According to the Head of the Surakarta Customs and Excise Office, Yetty Yulianty, the destruction of state property (BMN) has received approval according to the permit from the Director of State Wealth Management and Information Systems (PKNSI) of the Directorate General (Dirjen) of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance and from the Office of State Wealth and Auction Services Surakarta.

"For goods that will be destroyed, the calculation of the potential excise levy is estimated at IDR 3.056 billion and the estimated value of goods is IDR 4.604 billion," said Yetty, Tuesday, November 22.

The extermination effort, he continued, could not be separated from the synergy between Customs and Excise Surakarta and Satpol PP, Attorney General's Office, Police, TNI, deposit service entrepreneurs (PJT), and other law enforcement officers in taking action.

The mode of violations that are widely committed, according to Yetty, is to use deposit services or buy online, from cigarettes to alcoholic liquor, which is not in accordance with the provisions of the excise law.

Meanwhile, regarding goods sent through the Lalu Bea Post Office, the goods carried out by the prevention were those that did not comply with the provisions of the prohibition and restriction on imported goods, and were not completed by importers within a predetermined period of time.

In addition to illegal cigarettes, other items destroyed on Tuesday were 385 bottles and 86 jerry cans of illegal alcoholic beverages, plant seeds, sex toys, drugs, condoms, fishing bait, food, clothing, cosmetics, weapons equipment, and cell phones.

"The process of destroying these items is carried out by burning and destroying them, so they cannot be used or do not have economic value," said Yetty.

The culling aims to secure state revenues, control consumption, and create a business climate or healthy business competition. Meanwhile, imported goods that do not meet the provisions of the relevant Ministries are also destroyed in accordance with applicable regulations.

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