JAKARTA - Mimika Police, Papua prohibits local residents from sounding firecrackers to celebrate Christmas and New Year 2021.

Reported by Antara, Monday, December 14, Mimika Police Chief AKBP IGG Era Adhinata said that according to the regulations, it is not permissible to sell and set firecrackers, except for sparks or fireworks.

"The public must be able to distinguish which ones are allowed, which are not allowed. If firecrackers are prohibited. There are rules. What is allowed is only fireworks," said Era Adhinata.

In this connection, the local police will check places that sell firecrackers and sparks in Timika City.

"We will check who is selling firecrackers, especially if someone is selling firecrackers. Firecrackers are prohibited because they make a big noise and disturb the comfort of the residents. There is no product permit. For sparks, they only cause sparks, some are make noise. Everything has rules, "explained Era Adhinata.

He asked for support from all components of Mimika residents to be actively involved in efforts to maintain and create a safe and peaceful community and community service situation in the City of Timika during this December, especially during the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

With a safe and conducive community and community service situation, he said, local Christians can carry out Christmas services, Year Endings to New Years in a peaceful and solemn atmosphere.

He advised that during the Christmas services to the New Year, all houses of worship in Mimika should strictly enforce health protocols, especially in terms of wearing masks, maintaining distance and reducing crowds and providing hand washing facilities in their respective church complexes to prevent transmission of COVID-19. .

Meanwhile, Deputy Regent Johannes Rettob asked all Mimiki residents to maintain the security and order situation welcoming Christmas and New Year 2021.

"Welcoming Christmas and New Year 2021, we invite all components of Mimika residents to jointly maintain the security and order situation, not to be provoked by any situation outside so that all can celebrate Christmas peacefully and happily, as well as welcome the New Year 2021. full of joy and new hope, "said Johannes.

Recently, the Mimika National Unity and Community Protection Agency gathered religious leaders, community leaders from various harmony and forums to jointly unite their determination to maintain a safe and peaceful situation of community and community service in Mimika.

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