BANTEN - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lebak Regency asked residents to be aware of extreme weather until February 2023. The potential for this weather has the opportunity to cause natural disasters in Lebak.

"We continue to deliver early warning warnings to reduce disaster risk," said the Head of the Lebak BPBD Emergency and Logistics Section, Agus Reza Faisal, Sunday, November 20, as quoted from Antara.

He explained, based on the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) report, the peak of rain in the Banten area, including in Lebak Regency, will occur from December to February 2023.

However, at this time various areas in Banten have entered the rainy season with light, moderate to heavy intensity accompanied by strong winds and thunder or lightning.

"We ask residents to stay alert for the rainy season, because it has the potential to cause natural disasters," he said.

He said the Lebak BPBD issued an extreme weather alert because most of the Lebak Regency area is prone to natural disasters such as floods, landslides, ground movements, tornadoes, high waves, and fallen trees.

"We have conveyed natural disaster alert warnings to residents, village apparatus, sub-districts, and volunteers so as not to cause casualties," he explained.

Meanwhile, a number of people who live on the banks of the Ciujung Rangkasbitung River, Lebak Regency, are now on alert for 24 hours following heavy rainfall with light to heavy intensity.

In fact, the rainfall occurred in the afternoon, evening, and night, so there is concern that the Ciujung River will overflow.

"We are here on standby 24 hours and if the Ciujung River overflows, it is certain that all residents will evacuate to a safer place," said Ujang (55), a resident of Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency.

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