The RI-Malaysia Army Border Security Task Force (Satgas Pamtas) from Yonif 621/Manuntung unit together with a joint team managed to thwart the smuggling of four kilograms of crystal methamphetamine from Malaysia that entered through Somel Port, North Sebatik District, North Kalimantan. "Two women were arrested as perpetrators of drug smuggling with the initials I, an Indonesian citizen and MF, a Malaysian citizen," said Danrem 101/Antasari Brigadier General Rudi Puruwito in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Antara, Sunday, November 20. Danrem explained, the two perpetrators on Thursday, November 17 rode a speed boat from Tawau, Malaysia carrying packages of methamphetamine on the orders of a cross-border international dealer network. After undergoing initial examination at the Sungai Pancang Marine Post, the two women were handed over to the North Kalimantan Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) for further legal proceedings. Rudi appreciated the success of his staff in uncovering narcotics crimes that are quite prone to occur in the country's border areas. For this reason, he always reminds members not to be careless or careless about any attempts to smuggle prohibited items, including drugs. The Land Pamtas Task Force Battalion 621/Manuntung led by Lt. Col. Inf. Deny Ahdiani Amir has twice succeeded in thwarting the entry of narcotics from Malaysia. Previously, last Thursday, six people were also arrested carrying 103 grams of crystal methamphetamine using a boat on the coast in Bukit Aru Indah Village, East Sebatik District, Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan.

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