The XVIII/Kasuari Military Regional Command (Kodam) will soon add one Military District Command in the Arfak Mountains Regency, West Papua Province.
Head of Information for Kodam XVIII/Kasuari, Batara Infantry Colonel Alex Bulo said the formation of the new Kodim was based on the Decree of the Army Chief of Staff Number Kep/858/X/2022 regarding the arrangement and formation of new units at Kodam XVIII/Kasuari.
"Kodim yang akan di bentuk ini sebelumnya merupakan Koramil 1801-09/Anggi di bawah Kodim 1801/Manokwari dan setelah ditingkatkan statusnya menjadi Kodim baru, akan berada langsung di bawah Korem 182/Jazira Onim,” jelas dia di Manokwari, Antara, Jumat, 18 November.
The formation of the new Kodim is also a task requirement, where the scope of the work area of the Kasuari Kodam is wider with the existence of new regional expansions.
"The Arfak Mountains Regency is a expansion from Manokwari Regency, which was officially suggestive in November 2012. The population of the Arfak Mountains in mid-2021 based on registration data from the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2021 is 39,191 people, spread over 10 districts and 166 villages (villages) with the original residents of the Arfak&rdquo tribe; explained Bulo.
The presence of the Kodim is expected to provide effectiveness and expand the reach of the implementation of the territorial coaching task of Kodam XVIII/Kasuari in empowering defense areas and assisting local governments in carrying out development.
"Initially to improve the welfare of the people in Arfak Mountains Regency, ” he said.
Later, the 1812 Kodim Arfak Mountains will oversee three new Koramil including Koramil 1812-01/Anggi, Koramil 1812-02/Miyambouw and Koramil 1812-03/Sururey.
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