JAKARTA - Russian diplomats criticized statements about the explosion that occurred in Poland as Moscow's fault, urging Warsaw to reveal who fired the missile that fell near the Ukrainian border.

Russia's envoy to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said statements by Warsaw and Kyiv sought to spark a direct Russia-NATO conflict over the missile incident in Poland.

"If this meeting is not scheduled, it must be held to discuss efforts by Ukraine and Poland to provoke direct clashes between Russia and NATO. The truly irresponsible remarks made by the leadership of these two countries are unacceptable in other ways," he said at a UN Security Council meeting. November 17th.

Nebenzya said Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky immediately after the explosion in Poland accused Russia of shooting.

"I highlight this for colleagues: these statements come from someone who cannot fail to get information, that it was a Ukrainian missile fired by an air defense system flying to Poland," the diplomat said.

"This means it's not just intentional disinformation, but a conscious attempt to push NATO, which wages a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, to engage in direct clashes with our country," he criticized.

"The Polish Russophobia government is not much different from what they said from the start, with full confidence that they were attacked by Russia. The country's foreign ministry summoned the Russian ambassador in the middle of the night and issued a firm protest," Nebenzya said.

The diplomat said the first photo of the blast site, which appeared on social networks, made it clear that it was Ukraine's air defense missile that crashed in Poland.

"It has been confirmed firmly by NATO and the West," he stressed.

Separately, the head of the Russian delegation at military and weapons security talks in Vienna Konstantin Gavrilov told Rossiya-24 TV channel on Thursday that Russia would insist that Poland publish information about who fired the missiles that fell near the Ukrainian border.

"For our part, we will insist they (in Poland) publish information about who fired the missile that killed Polish citizens," he said.

It is known, a missile crashed in Przewodow Village, Luflin Voivodeship, east Poland near the border with Ukraine on November 15, killing two people. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of carrying out a missile attack, urging the West to act immediately.

However, Polish President Andrzej Duda said according to the assessment of the republican authorities, the missile was fired by Ukrainian air defense forces. Meanwhile, the US State Department said the Washington government was confident in the accuracy of the conclusions made by Polish authorities.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has denounced Kiev's accusations of the incident as a "broad provocation." According to data from the Russian Ministry of Defense, the missile was fired from Ukraine's S-300 air defense system.

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