JAKARTA - Two pharmaceutical companies named as suspects by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters have proven to have produced drugs or circulated pharmaceutical preparations that do not meet standard utilities and quality. PT. Afi Farma Pharmaceutical Industry is known to use propylen glycol (PG) which contains ethylene glycol exceeding the threshold.

"The evidence that was secured were a number of pharmaceutical preparations produced by PT A, various documents including PO (purcashing order) and DO (delivery order) of PT. A and lab test results on samples of PT. A's drugs," said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo in a written statement, Thursday, November 17.

Inspector General Dedi explained, in practice, PT Afi Farma Pharmaceutical Industry is suspected of obtaining additional raw materials from the CV Chemical Samudera (CS).

After the Criminal Investigation Unit collaborated with BPOM, at the CV Chemical Samudera (CS) location, 42 drums of propylen glycol (PG) were found. After a lab test was carried out by the National Police Puslabfor containing ethylene glycol (EG) which exceeded the threshold.

"42 PG drums suspected of containing EG and DEG were found in CV. SC," he added.

From the results of the investigation, PT. Afi Farma Pharmaceutical Industry intentionally did not carry out additional PG material testing which turned out to contain EG and DEG exceeding the threshold.

"PT. A only copy the data provided by the supplier without testing and quality control to ensure that the material can be used for production," he said.

As a result, PT. Afi Farma Pharmaceutical Industry as a corporation was rewarded with Article 196 in conjunction with Article 98 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 201 paragraph (1) and/or paragraph (2 with a penalty of 10 years in prison and a maximum fine of IDR 2 billion.

Meanwhile, the CV Chemical Samudera (CS) was charged with Article 196 in conjunction with Article 98 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) and/or Article 60 number 4 with a threat of 15 years in prison and a maximum fine of IDR 2 billion.

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