TANGERANG A motorcycle rider with the initials BM (27) died after being involved in an accident with a Hino truck on Jalan Raya Serang, KM 24, Balaraja, Tangerang Regency.

The Head of Subunit Laka Lalu Tangerang Police, Ipda Adi Sulpaturohman, said the incident occurred on Thursday morning, November 17.

Adi explained that the incident began when the victim's motorbike with number A 3090 MQ drove from Balaraja to Serang, Banten. Arriving at the crime scene (TKP), the victim slipped and got under the Hino truck number B 9644 TEJ.

"The vehicle slipped because there was a puddle of water and the victim fell to the right and then got under the truck. The victim was run over by the left rear wheel," Adi said in his statement, Thursday, November 17.

As a result of the incident the victim died on the spot and was immediately evacuated to the Balaraja Hospital. Adi suspected that the victim did not know there was a puddle of water

"The victim has been evacuated to the hospital. Meanwhile, we have secured the victim's vehicle, the truck and driver to the Tangerang Police Traffic Unit," he said.

Adi reminded all road users to remain careful when driving, especially when it rains. Currently, said Adi, it has entered the rainy season, where visibility is limited and the road is slippery.

" road users are advised to remain careful. Do not force them to continue the journey if the rainy conditions are heavy because it is very dangerous," he concluded.

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