JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo issued police regulation (Perpol) Number 10 of 2022 concerning regulations for securing events or sports competitions. In fact, the regulation was officially promulgated. The Perpol was signed by the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna H Laoly dated November 4, 2022. The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, who was confirmed about the issuance, also confirmed it. According to him, with the promulgation of the Perpol, all the rules in it have been applicable. "It has been ratified and means it has been promulgated," said Dedi when confirmed, Wednesday, November 16. Then, all the rules contained in the Perpol refer to the regulations determined by FIFA. For example, the division of three categories of disturbances in sports competitions, namely, potential disturbances, thresholds of disturbances, and real disturbances. "Specifically, there are no specific rules regarding the safety and security of matches in the form of Perpol, there are PKS between the Police and PSSI which do not regulate in detail and apply to FIFA regulations or statutes," he said. Then, it will begin to be socialized to all Polda ranks. So, all the rules in the processing event can be applied quickly. "Soon, socialization will be carried out by the Legal Division to all Polda in stages," said Dedi For information, from the three categories of disruptions in sports competitions, there are several points, along with the details; Perturbation Potential a. Suporter fanaticism; b. history of competing teams; c. over the venue capacity; d. ticket sales system; e. Home or away competition; f. Competition stages; g. defeat to the club/team host; and/or h. the entrance and exit of the Sports Infrastructure. Disorder Threshold a. carrying firearms and sharp weapons; b. carry dangerous ingredients (flares, catapults, stun guns, firecrackers, Molotov, matches, vape, and smoke bombs); c. bring a pointer laser; d. bring a bottle of drink; and e. commit provocative (instigating) actions. Real Disorder a. mass fight; b. burning; c. damage; d. threats; e. persecution; f. people's lives; g. hostage; h. kidnapping; i. beatings; j. sabotage; k. looting; l. confiscation; m. theft; and/or n. terrorism. Then, Article 31 of the Perpol also regulates how to take action. He explained, in a contingency situation if there is an increase in the escalation of the situation which changes very quickly into a state of emergency and requires anticipation or quick or extraordinary action. Because, in that situation, it has the potential to cause dangerous conditions, which can be in the form of heavy losses, mass damage, or large casualties. Thus, the Huru Hara (PHH) action was carried out except for the contingency that occurred in zone I and zone Il (ringroad area) which around the stadium was limited to a fence with a height of 2.5 meters being prohibited from shooting tear gas.

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