SURABAYA - As many as 15 detainees detained in the Surabaya branch of the East Java High Court of the Class I were confirmed positive for COVID-19. They tested positive for COVID-19 based on the results of the swab test after voting for the pikada.

"The detention center at the AGO has 35 prisoners, but there are 15 people who tested positive for COVID-19. They are all corruption prisoners," said Head of the Legal Information Section of the East Java High Court, Anggara Suryana, confirmed on Friday, December 11.

The detention center specifically for corruption cases is located on the north side of the main building of the East Java Prosecutor's Office on Jalan A Yani Surabaya. They are like being in detention centers and other prisons, the detainees at the East Java Attorney General's Office are also facilitated to exercise their voting rights in the simultaneous regional elections.

A special polling station (TPS) was set up at the detention center. So, after the voting, the prisoners who were still the defendants underwent a swab test.

"The results of the swab test just came out yesterday, and it turns out that there are 15 positive prisoners for COVID-19," said Angga.

From these results, the 15 prisoners who tested positive for COVID-19 were separated from other detainees whose swab test results were negative. They are also handled specifically regarding the handling of COVID-19 patients outside of detention.

Angga admitted that he did not know whether the 15 positive prisoners for COVID-19 had a history of comorbidities or not.

"But all are in good condition. They are OTG (people without symptoms)," he said.

Apart from separating positive prisoners from negative ones, all prison officers and the Attorney General's Office who were present at the time of voting at the Attorney General's Detention Center were also tested. The result is COVID-19 negative.

"The entire prison environment and the Attorney General's Office have also been sterilized by spraying (disinfecting)," said Angga.

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