SIMEULUE - Dozens of houses in Ganting Village, East Simeulue District, Simeulue Regency, Aceh, were flooded. The Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Simeulue Regency, Zulfadli, said that 52 houses were collected for flooding. "The flood occurred due to high rainfall in several areas in Simeulue Regency. There were 52 houses that were flooded and 198 people affected by the disaster," said Zulfadli in Simeulue, Antara, Tuesday, November 15. In addition to submerging residents' houses, said Zulfadli, flooding also caused the road bodies in the village to subside. However, the subsidence road did not cause public transportation to be cut off. "The BPBD team has gone to the location to help residents and opened public kitchens for residents affected by the flood. So far, no residents have fled, they are still staying in their respective homes," said Zulfadli. Zulfadli appealed to the people of Simeulue Regency to be aware of potential natural disasters such as floods, landslides, and also sea waves, following extreme weather forecasting the Indian Ocean in the next few days. "People around the hills are reminded to be alert to landslides. Likewise, those living in watersheds are alert to overflowing floods. To fishermen, we also remind potential high waves," said Zulfadli. Simeulue Regency is the outermost archipelago region in Aceh Province. Simeulue Island is in the Indian Ocean which is about 180 nautical miles from the west coast of Sumatra Island. Simeulue Regency has been a division of West Aceh Regency since 1999. Simeulue Regency has 10 sub-districts with 138 gampongs or villages inhabited by around 94 thousand people.

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