The route to Padang City to Bukittinggi was cut off. The cause of the landslide occurred in Batu Apik, Malalak District, Agam Regency since heavy rains occurred on Tuesday, November 15 morning.

The Head of the Agam Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Bambang Warsito, said that landslide material prevented the provincial road from being passed by two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles.

"The landslide material in the form of mud mixed with rock closed the provincial road with a height of 1-3 meters and a length of 7-10 meters," he said Lubukbasung, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), quoted from Antara, Tuesday, November 15.

Bambang said the road was temporarily closed from vehicle traffic to prevent further disasters. He said the condition of the land around the location is still unstable so it is at risk of being passed by vehicles.

"There were no casualties as a result of the incident because the road was in a quiet condition from the vehicle," he said.

In the handling process, Bambang said that the Agam BPBD had coordinated with the nagari and sub-districts.

After that, coordinated with the Agam Public Works and Spatial Planning Office and the Road Hall to deal with the landslide that was hoarding the road.

"We have coordinated with the relevant agencies to lower heavy equipment in cleaning landslide materials," he said.

Bambang appealed to residents to increase their vigilance when heavy rains hit the area by not passing through landslide-prone areas, so that there were no casualties.

"Avoid passing through landslide-prone areas such as the Apik Malalak Stone and other areas when it rains heavily," he said.

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