JAKARTA - Former President and top brass of the Rapid Response Action (ACT) of an institution engaged in the humanitarian sector, Ahyudin, Ibnu Khajar and Hariyana underwent their first trial in the alleged embezzlement of funds at the South Jakarta District Court today.
According to the schedule stated in the Case Tracking Information System (SIPP) of the South Jakarta District Court, the trial of the three former ACT officials should have taken place at 10.00 WIB. However, the trial was postponed at around 12.00 WIB.
Referring to the SIPP of the South Jakarta District Court, the three were charged in separate cases. Ahyudin, who is the former President of ACT, was charged and threatened with Article 374 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 372 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code. Meanwhile, the defendant Ibnu Khajar and Hariyana were charged with Article 374 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.
In the SIPP of the South Jakarta District Court, the defendants were said to have ordered and participated in committing acts intentionally or unlawfully possessing something entirely or partly belonging to someone else.
The trial of the alleged embezzlement of funds at the ACT Foundation was carried out virtually (online) where the defendant Ahyudin attended the trial directly from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police wearing a white shirt.
The trial of the alleged embezzlement of ACT funds was led directly by Chief Judge Hariyadi, Mardison and Hendra Yuristiawan, each acting as member judges.
Referring to the SIPP of the South Jakarta District Court, the defendant Ahyudin has been the founder, supervisor, administrator and supervisor of ACT since 2005. To expand his activities, in 2021 the defendant Ahyudin formed a Global Islamic Philantrophy based on the Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number AHU-0001374.AH.01.08 of 2021 as a legal entity for the "group" that oversees a number of social foundations.
The defendant Ahyudin is known to have served as President of Global Islamic Philantrophy, witness Ibnu Khajar as Senior Vice President of Partnership Network Department, witness Novariyandi Imam Akbari as Senior Vice President of Humanity Network Department and witness Hariyana acted as Senior Vice President of Operations.
The third is known to receive a salary with the following details. First, President of Global Islamic Philantrophy, which was occupied by Ahyudin, received a salary of Rp. 100 million, Ibnu Kajar as Senior Vice President of Partnership Network Department received Rp. 70 million and Hariyana received a salary of Rp. 70 million, and Novariyandi Imam Akbari received a salary of Rp. 70 million.
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