The Maluku Regional Police have added one unit at the level of a platoon (SST) Brimob from Ambon to the location of the conflict in Southeast Maluku (Malra).
"That's enough, we have repeatedly conflicted there, and there we have strengthened personnel, today I have sent another SST from Brimob Ambon, then later we will shift from Aru Island and Dobo,” said Maluku Police Chief Inspector General Lotharia Latif in Ambon quoted from Antara, Monday, November 14.
Latif admitted, so far the conditions have been conducive and safe. However, the police are still on guard to anticipate things that are not desirable to happen again.
"But I hope conducive conditions are permanent, there will be no more conflicts," he said.
He also encourages the public if there are problems that are difficult to solve, to immediately distribute them through traditional leaders, village governments, sub-district governments, and even districts. “ Don't each then carry out activities based on their respective sectors,” please Latif.
He said that currently mediation efforts are also underway. He hopes that there will be reconciliation in accordance with the law on handling social conflicts, starting from the stages of prevention, termination, until later post-conflict recovery.
“Hopefully there will be reconciliation, we see the younger generation there feel sorry. While they were brothers there, they were in school with each other, but in the end there was a fuss like this. I think enough, ” I hope the Kapolda.
Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Kombes M. Roem Ohoirat, added that the number of personnel currently available at the Malra conflict site was 6 SST led by the Malra Police Chief, and the Dandim.
"And Mr. Kapolda has also ordered three main officials from the Maluku Regional Police including Dansat Brimob, Dirkrimum, and Director Intel to be in the field directly leading security in the field," he said.
On Saturday, November 12, 2022 morning, there was a conflict between residents ofELAH and Elath due to an effort made by the residents of Sampat Village to put up a cassation or prohibition on the border with Elath Village by claiming the land belonged to them.
Efforts to install the customary prohibition were disbanded by the police. At 11.00 WIT, the Maluku Police Chief ordered the Malra Police Chief to thicken troops by two units at the platoon level led directly by the Malra Police Chief and the Malra Police Deputy Chief.
The impact of clashes between groups of residents caused damage in the form of two-wheeled vehicles that caught fire, totaling six units in Ohoi Depur and Wakatran near Ohoi Elat, then six houses of Ohoi Depur, Wakatran, and Wakol residents, two junior high and high school buildings in Wakatran, and 22 houses in Ohoi Ngurdu caught fire and were heavily damaged.
The victims were injured as a result of being hit by arrows and incisions of sharp objects consisting of victims in Ohoibaking 14 people, Ngurdu one person, Ohoi Soinrat seven people, Ohoi Watsin six people, and Elat 22 people.
Two police officers also suffered arrow wounds, namely Matias Vavu, a member of Brimob BKO Yon C Pioneer Tual who suffered arrow wounds to his left thigh, and Surya Indra Lasmana, a member of the Kei Besar Police, who suffered arrow wounds to his left waist.
Meanwhile, the two fatalities each came from Ohoi Sarjan, namely Tosy Urbanus Ululayan (28) who died from projectiles in the throat, and an elderly resident from Ohoi Ngurdu named Daniel Kabinubun (62) who died as a result of being trapped in a burning house.
The incident on October 6 was anticipated and three platoon-level units (SST) had been placed as a combination of the TNI and Polri.
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