The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police said that Atta Halilintar's receipt of Rp2.2 billion from Reza Paten was not a criminal act. This is because the money was received from the results of the auction and Youtuber did not know the suspect in the Net89 trading robot.

"Yes, that's right (not criminal, red) said Head of Sub-Directorate II of the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Kombes Chandra Sukma Kumara when confirmed, Monday, November 14.

The proceeds from the auction received by Atta Halilintar were not confiscated by investigators. So far, only the bandana has been secured from Reza Paten.

"Witness Atta did not know the suspect when the auction was open. We did not confiscate the money," he said.

Then, from the results of the examination of Atta Halilintar some time ago, the money had been used for charity activities.

"The money is used for compensation activities and the construction of houses of worship," said Chandra.

For information, Atta Halilintar and several other artists were reported to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. This is because they are suspected of promoting and receiving the flow of Net89 trading robot funds.

In this case, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has named eight suspects in the alleged fraud case of the Net89 trading robot. The suspects are high-ranking officials of PT Simbiotic Multitalenta Indonesia (SMI).

The suspects are AA as the founder or owner of Net89 or PT SMI, LSH as the director, and ES as a member and operator.

Then LS, AL, HS, FI, and D, all of which are sub-operators of the Net89 trading robot.

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