JAKARTA - Wadirtipidnarkoba Bareskrim Polri Kombes Jayadi said, MHD and HK, two Iranian citizens (WN) who were caught in a methamphetamine type drug turned out to be using a tourist visa.

"The results of the deepening carried out by the team, which we got that the two suspects who entered Indonesia used a visit visa, or tourist visa or tourist visa," Jayadi said at the Case Grande Apartment, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, November 11.

Jayadi also said that the two Iranian citizens came to Indonesia, initially promised a job by someone with the initials S, who was on the wanted list (DPO). S is also an Iranian citizen.

"They came here promised to work, (by) the initial DPO S as the controller," said Jayadi.

Meanwhile, Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Narcotics Directorate, Kombes Pol. Jean Calvijn Simanjuntak, added that actually MHD and HK did not know each other when they came to Indonesia.

"MHD has been in Jakarta for 3.5 months, AK in Jakarta, in one of the apartments for 1.5 months. The one who financed and directed them to arrive in Indonesia was the DPO S," he concluded.

The Directorate of Narcotics Crime, Bareskrim Polri, revealed a network of narcotics type methamphetamine Kitchen Lab. The two perpetrators are Iranian citizens with the initials MHD (35) and AK (25).

"Two suspects were arrested who were foreigners from Iran on behalf of MHD and on behalf of AK. Another DPO of Iranian foreigners on behalf of S," said Karopenmas Brigadier General Pol Ahmad Ramadhan, Friday, November 11.

MHD and AK were arrested in two separate locations in Jakarta.

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