JAKARTA - The TNI-Polri implemented maximum security during the implementation of the peak of the G20 Summit. One of them is by deploying special officers when the delegates and state guests worship. "There are special officers who have been appointed to carry out security, especially in places of worship and also before the worship is carried out sterilization," said Head of the Bali Police, Kombes Stefanus Satake Bayu Setiono in his statement, Friday, November 11. Then, a centralized worship scheme will also be implemented. This means that the delegates will only carry out their obligations in various places of worship that have been determined. The determination of places of worship is based on consideration of the distance close to the location or venue (KTT) of the G20. Bayu continued, one of the places of worship implemented in the camp scheme is the Grand Mosque of Ibnu Batutah. Later, delegates who are Muslim can carry out their obligations as religious people. "In the vicinity, there are also other places of worship such as churches, temples and other places of worship for delegates to carry out worship," he said. On the other hand, Bayu invites the surrounding community to participate in the success of organizing the G20 Summit so that Indonesia's face in the eyes of the world is good. "We invite the surrounding community to be involved in the security of the G20 Summit. Show that Bali, generally Indonesia can be a good, friendly and comfortable host," he said.

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