JAKARTA - Gerindra Party politician Fadli Zon urged President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to form a joint fact-finding team (TGPF) to investigate the shooting of six special laskar for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) on Monday, December 7.

Fadli also urged Jokowi to order the police involved in the incident on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road to be examined.

"The president must form the TGPF and order the police questioning involved in the shooting in Karawang," said Fadli via his Twitter account @fadlizon, quoted on Thursday, December 10.

The DPR member said that the formation of the TGPF, whose members come from various elements such as the National Commission on Human Rights, human rights activists, representatives of ulama, academics, journalists and other parties need to be done as a form of government response.

Because, if this is allowed to continue, it can escalate anger and make the public distrustful of legal justice. Because, in that incident, the police as law enforcement officers had killed six young people.

"Such incidents must be responded to immediately by the government because if they are allowed to escalate public anger. The brutality shown by killing six FPI members has created public distrust of legal justice," he said.

Fadli said that the shooting was a sign of poor enforcement of human rights (HAM) in Indonesia against civilians.

He explained four reasons for Jokowi to form the TGPF. First, this team was formed so that the investigation of this case could be more independent because the police are currently the party in the case.

Second, this step must be taken because the level of trust in the police is very low and even tends to be distrusted.

Third, extra judicial killings of civilians such as the six laskar could be considered as gross human rights violations. So that it needs investigation with extra effort. "Such actions (shooting, red) are prohibited, both by international human rights law and by the laws of our country," he said.

He also considered the steps taken by the police to be inappropriate. This is because the police should process it with the applicable criminal provisions.

Not only that, because of the extra judicial killing process, six people who were suspected of violating the law then could not be brought to trial according to the police allegations. "And the people saw that they were not in a case with the police," he said.

The last reason, Fadli said that TGPF must be formed because there are many oddities in this case and it is difficult to accept.

"For example, it was said that there was a shootout but where was the scene of the incident? Where is the evidence of an attack on the police? How can a car belonging to an FPI member get to three cars ridden by officers," he asked.

"So I ask the president to immediately form a Joint Fact Finding Team to investigate this matter. In addition, all police officers involved in the shooting incident must be examined and investigated so that it is known who the leader is responsible for such arbitrary acts," he concluded.

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