JAKARTA A total of 650 kilograms of marijuana and 4.5 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine as a result of five months from July to October 2022 were destroyed at the West Jakarta Metro Police. This destruction was carried out in order to emphasize the seriousness of the West Jakarta Police in eradicating drugs as well as commemorating Heroes' Day which falls on Thursday.

"This activity is a form of our commitment to fighting drugs because these drugs can damage the younger generation," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Pasma Royce quoting Antara, Thursday, November 10.

Not only hundreds of kilograms of drugs, officers also detained 14 suspects involved in the five cases of the circulation of illicit goods.

The first case was revealed by officers On July 25, 2022. At that time, officers arrested suspects RN and FA at Pasang Sidempuan, North Sumatra, for circulating 137 kilograms of marijuana.

The second case occurred on August 12, 2022. At that time the police arrested the suspect with the initials SO in Terate Village, Serang Banten with evidence of marijuana weighing 209 kilograms.

In the third case, the police arrested four suspects, namely HH, FV, YH and NF on Jalan Lintas Timur Sumatra, Lampung Province with evidence of marijuana weighing 304 kilograms.

"The fourth case was revealed on October 18 at a contract on Jl. Cempaka VI, Cakung, East Jakarta with suspects LO, I K, RN, RIN, EZY and HN with evidence of seven Sabu Packages with a gross weight of 650.96 Gram," explained Pasma.

Finally, the Narcotics Investigation Unit arrested the suspect DI on October 28, 2022, at the Kodam Lama housing complex, Jalan Sei Musi, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra with evidence of 4.2 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine.

Pasma explained that the majority of the evidence will be circulated in the DKI Jakarta area and its surroundings. The illicit goods enter the capital city by land and sea.

Until now, the investigation into the five drug trafficking cases is still ongoing. He ensured that there could be new suspects and other evidence found in the case.

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