JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the Central Jakarta District Court sentenced Rosmala, a company employee who was involved in a bad credit case of Rp200 billion, to 8 years in prison. The woman was also fined Rp2 billion with a subsidiary of 2 months. The defendant considered the verdict unfair.

"Because it was a decision that sentenced the defendant to 8 years and there was a fine of Rp. 2 billion or a subsidiary of 2 months, in our opinion an unfair sentence. This is a heretical trial," said Rosmala's attorney, Joni Nelson Simanjuntak, after the trial, Thursday, November 10.

According to Joni, his client is only a subordinate. Rosmala is not the highest decision maker such as directors or commissioners. Rosmala serves as General Manager of Business and Development of PT APS.

"Because of what? Because the defendant is only a worker, he is not a decision maker (decision-making) there," explained Joni.

Meanwhile, the company's commissioner, continued Joni, has not yet been charged in the case. Director of PT APS Henny Djuwita Santosa himself has not yet been sentenced, even his trial has been postponed by 2 weeks to 23 November 2022.

According to Rosmala's attorney, a number of facts have been put forward in court. However, this was not considered by the judge in making the verdict.

"We have shown the financial mechanism for using the Rp200 billion fund, he (Rosmala), was not involved in anything. Thankfully that, actually this has been clear from the trial, but the judge has a different perception. This is our main objection to the decision," explained Joni.

His party also highlighted the money that was said to be divided and used by Henny. During the trial, his client emphasized that his client did not know the use of the Rp200 billion money because his client was not part of the finance at PT APS.

Despite respecting the judge's views and decisions, his party assessed that there was a subjectivity regarding this matter.

"I think this is subjective consideration of judges, not objectivity. I think the subjectivity of judges is of course we respect, but we will put forward something wrong with subjectivity as a basis for consideration for making decisions," he said.

In this regard, his party immediately filed an appeal to the DKI Jakarta High Court regarding this decision.

Meanwhile Rosmala, was devastated by the judge's decision.

Rosmala admitted that she could only surrender to God regarding her fate. He also asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD for justice.

"Actually, with the Sambo case, at this moment I think it is very good for me because the state is monitoring law enforcement in implementing justice, I hope very much at this trial, law enforcement will provide justice for me, but in reality I will not get justice either," he cried.

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