JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Metro Police returned one unit of an automatic motorcycle as evidence of theft to victims in Cakung.

The East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Budi Sartono, said that the return of the evidence was carried out after the perpetrators of the thefts were arrested on Tuesday, November 8.

"Before 1X24 hours, the perpetrators were arrested by the Cakung Police Criminal Investigation Unit," Budi said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 9.

Budi added that his party immediately went to the victim's residence in Gang Air Putih, Kampung Rawaterate RT 4-6/RW 1, Cakung District, East Jakarta, with the victim's vehicle.

Budi said the condition of the motorbike was that the front body had been stripped down by the perpetrators.

For that, he said his party would first tidy up the condition of the victim's motorbike, with the aim of being able to immediately be used again by victims who work as online motorcycle taxis.

"We are still tidying up the vehicle, so the victim can reuse it immediately," said Budi.

Furthermore, Budi said that his party is currently also continuing to explore the motorcycle theft case.

This is because it is suspected that from the information obtained, the perpetrators have often stolen motorbikes.

"It is suspected that this perpetrator often acts, but is outside the East Jakarta area. Then, we are still investigating," said Budi.

Previously viral on social media the theft of a motorbike at the Assalam Mosque, Pedaengan Village RT 4/RW 8, Cakung Mills, East Jakarta, Tuesday 8 November at around 18.03 WIB.

The theft case began when the victim, who works as an online motorcycle taxi, was doing the Maghrib prayer at the Assalam Mosque and was carrying an order in the form of food.

After the Maghrib prayer, the victim was shocked to see his vehicle was missing and immediately reported the incident to the Cakung Police.

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