SOUTH SUMATRA - Police evacuated the body of a man who hanged himself to death at the flagpole of the Kertapati Sub-district Office, Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel).

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Palembang Polrestabes Kompol Haris Dinzah said the body of the man whose identity has not been identified was evacuated to the Bhayangkara M Hasan Hospital in Palembang.

The evacuation process was moments after the police received a report from the public on Wednesday, November 9 at around 09.00 WIB.

"It's true, allegedly hanging himself, found by residents this morning, now the victim is at Bhayangkara Hospital for a post-mortem et repertum," he said in Palembang, South Sumatra, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, November 9.

Haris said the police are currently still investigating the discovery of this body. He said the police had conducted an investigation of the crime scene and took statements from several witnesses.

Including, he continued, securing evidence in the form of a flagpole that ensnared the victim's neck and sandals to support the investigation process.

"Wait, the results of the post-mortem will explain later," he added.

To people who feel they have lost their family members or residents around them, Haris asked to contact his party or go directly to Bhayangkara Hospital.

Meanwhile, forensic expert at Bhayangkara M Hasan Hospital Palembang, AKBP Dr. Mansuri, said the victim was estimated to be 25 years old, hanging himself to death less than 12 hours ago.

Based on the results of the post-mortem, his party did not find any signs of violence but only found snares on the victim's neck.

"The characteristics of the victim have a black tattoo on the lower left arm, a stake on the right lip, cooked sawo skin, short hair, wearing a long black shirt and blue jeans," said Mansuri.

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