JAKARTA - The cover of the Tempo magazine entitled 'The Puppeteer of Destruction of Bhinneka' was widely discussed on social media on Wednesday, December 9 yesterday. In the picture, this magazine is said to be published on the 7-13 December 2020 issue.

In addition, on the cover, under the caption, there is the inscription, 'Danny Pomanto's voice recording reveals Jusuf Kalla's involvement in the strategy to overthrow the authority of the Indonesian government and secure the family business network. Gerindra was infiltrated by the pro-Habib Rizieq 'HMI Connection'. '

Furthermore, on top of the inscription 'Tempo', was an inscription which reads, 'The Rise of Pro-Khilafah Ideology among the Bureaucracy' and 'Will the Police Dare to Catch Rizieq Shihab?'. The cover also contains illustrations of four men who resemble former Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla, KPK investigator Novel Baswedan, FPI leader Rizieq Shihab, and DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

Responding to this, Head of News for Tempo Media, Arif Zulkifli emphasized that the magazine cover with the picture was not issued by his party. He also admitted that he did not know who had spread this kind of hoax cover.

"Tempo has never made a cover with an image like that. The main report of Tempo magazine was made based on facts and searches in the field with multiple checks," said Arif when contacted by VOI, Thursday, December 10.

Meanwhile, regarding the accusations of a number of netizens who said that Tempo was close to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, as the editor in chief, Arief denied this. This is because the magazine works professionally and carries out investigations in accordance with applicable rules and ethics.

"Tempo refuses to be carried away by electoral politics, let alone identity politics," he said.

Regarding the cover of Tempo magazine, the most recent one is entitled 'Economic Outlook 2021 is Time to Change'. At the bottom of the title, there is the words' The Covid-19 pandemic should be a momentum to encourage a green economy. Which business sector is best prepared? '

The magazine is published on December 5 and on the cover is an illustration of three monkeys and three men lining up.

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