JAKARTA - The East Jakarta City Government has prepared 14 parks that are claimed to help control flooding. This was conveyed by the Head of the East Jakarta City Parks and Forests Sub-dept., Djauhar Arifin.
According to Djauhar, currently, there are 14 parks and 5 urban forests equipped with retention ponds that function as flood control.
Of the 14 parks, it has a retention pond area of 84,323 square meters and 5 urban forests with a retention lake area of 142,871 square meters. So the total area reaches 227,194 square meters.
"One of the functions of these parks and urban forests is to control flooding. In East Jakarta, there are 14 parks and 5 urban forests. All of them are functioning well," he said, Tuesday, November 8.
Furthermore, Djauhar said, retention ponds are referred to as flood control because the ecological functions of green open spaces are found in parks, urban forests, green lanes, and cemeteries.
The garden also serves as an air freshener, influencing and improving the microclimate. Then absorb rainwater, flood control, and water management.
He detailed, each of the 14 parks that have the potential as flood controllers is, RTH Taman Bambu Jl. Pagelarang, Setu, Cipayung with an area of 2,458.72 square meters. Then the Hibiscus Gardens, Setu with an area of 1,027 square meters, Foreman Hasan Park, Bambu Apus with an area of 455.61 square meters, PPA Ministry of Social Affairs Parks 1 and 2, Bambu Apus covering an area of 687.58 square meters, Cempaka Park, Cilangkap 12,328.89 square meters.
Furthermore, Green Open Space Park Bluntas on Manunggal II street, Ceger, with an area of 14,516 square meters, Salix Park, Pondok Ranggon with an area of 5,338 square meters, Al Umar 1 Park, Lubang Buaya, with an area of 943.50 square meters, RTH Taman Kumis Kucing on Kumis Kucing street, Cibubur covering an area of 816.56 square meters, Abdul Rachman Park, Cibubur covering an area of 565.8 square meters, Palm Park, Ciracas covering an area of 612.84 square meters, Taman Waru, Kelapa Dua Wetan covering an area of 338.16 square meters, Situ Kelapa Dua on Kelapa Dua Wetan covers an area of 56,000 square meters. In addition, Taman Ujung Menteng, Cakung covers an area of 563.63 square meters.
Meanwhile, the five urban forests in East Jakarta include the Rawa Dongkal Urban Forest, Ciracas covering an area of 86,736.47 square meters, Ujung Menteng City Forest, and Cakung with an area of 378 square meters. Sunter Hulu Watershed City Forest, Cipayung covers an area of 30 thousand square meters, Aneka Elok City Forest, Cakung covers an area of 21,357 square meters and Pondok Ranggon City Forest, Cipayung covers an area of 4,400 square meters.
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