PAPUA - Military Regional Commander (Pangdam) XVII/Cenderawasih Major General TNI Muhammad Saleh Mustafa ordered his members to renovate the church in Maima District, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua. The place of worship is 40 years old.

The plan was made after a request from the public for the TNI to help renovate the church through the Manunggal Army Building Village (TMMD) 2023 program.

"I will order the Jayawijaya Dandim, a combat art unit that will repair the church building. Its activities may not go through TMMD but through territorial (opster) operations," Saleh said after a visit to Maima, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, November 8.

The arrival of the Pangdam to Maima is also in the context of motivation for the community to maintain food by planting sweet potatoes. He saw the potential for agriculture in Maima that could be developed so that it could provide income for the community.

"We will also try to develop it again with the community, how will Wamena's original coffee be, because this coffee demand is quite good," he said.

Jayawijaya Regent Jhon Richard Banua appreciated the involvement of the TNI in Maima, such as motivation to farm, build houses for residents, and renovate public facilities.

Jhon said the 2022 TMMD program had taken place in Maima. Meanwhile, in 2023 it has been planned in other districts. However, he said, with the support of the Military Commander, renovations at Maima could be carried out outside the TMMD program.

"Honestly, if the TMMD cannot be done in Maima next year. But for the Ppster program, the government will support it to renovate the church there," he said.

Jhon, who is also a former member of the TNI, added that the Opster program had been carried out in several places in Jayawijaya, one of which was in Silo Sukarno Doga District.

"The request of the Maima community through the TMMD cannot be answered, but with the direction of the commander through the Opster it can be done, so we, the government, are ready to implement it," he said.

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