JAKARTA - Ferdy Sambo's former aide, Daden Miftahul Haq, said that Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J had complained to him while in Megelang. In fact, from his mouth, a request was made to find a woman. The ceremony began when Daden said he had time to go alone with Brigadier J on July 6. They were about to take cakes and cones for Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi's wedding party. At that time, the two of them were in the same car. Brigadier J's heart bursts began to be delivered when their car stopped at a traffic light. "He started telling me if I'm not mistaken like, he (Brigadier J, ed) 'So far you have a feeling of boredom or not' then I (Daden) don't really pay attention after walking, I don't feel bored, I answered 'the name is working, there is a feeling of boredom'," said Daden during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, November 8. Hearing this vent, Dedi admitted that he had given advice. Brigadier J was asked to work optimally so that his goal was achieved. However, the advice seemed not to be heard. Because Brigadier J displayed his decision. "I (Brigadier J) have no resolution, why? I forgot what else the conversation was, I (Daden) said that's why you (Brigadir J) married," said Daden. "why?" asked Chief Judge Ahmad Suhel. "Because of us, our focus is on our concentration only on the leadership but we ourselves must think about it. Yosua replied if I'm not mistaken, 'Marriage with whom?' then I said he had a lover who was in Jambi but (responded by Brigadier J) 'No, no, no, no,'," replied Daden. In fact, Brigadier J had asked to find a woman to accompany her. Because, his relationship with his lover, Vera Maretha Simanjuntak, has run aground "He also said 'you found me a girl' as far as I remember he also said 'no one fit'. And several times I was a mate, right," said Daden. For information, Daden is one of the witnesses presented by the Public Prosecutor for the defendants Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi. They were jointly charged with premeditated murder of Brigadier J. Thus, they are strongly suspected of violating Article 340 subsidiary 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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