The Bhabinkamtibmas Of The Loano Police, Who Cheated On The Wife Of A TNI Member, Was Dismissed By Disrespect
Members of the Loano Police at PTDH by the Purworejo Police Chief for having an affair with TNI's wife/ Photo: Doc. Purworejo Police/ Central Java Police

JAKARTA - Aipda AL (37) Bhabinkamtibmas Polsek Loano, Purworejo Police have been dismissed as a police officer through the Disrespectful Dismissal (PTDH) ceremony, Tuesday, November 8 at the Purworejo Police Headquarters yard, Central Java.

During the PTDH ceremony, Purworejo Police Chief AKBP Muhammad Purbaja removed the Navy's official uniform and replaced it with batik clothes. The police chief also handed over the decree containing the PTDH decision of the members.

AKBP Muhammad Purbaja said Aipda AL was proven to have committed a serious violation.

"February 2022, the person concerned (Apida AL) committed an affair, then was arrested by residents and then taken to the police station for questioning. After being examined, the person concerned was proven to have committed a serious violation", said AKBP Muhammad Purbaja in a video received by VOI, Tuesday, November 8.

It is known that Aipda AL made an appeal after receiving the previous PTDH. However, the police chief said, the appeal was rejected.

"The appeal was made in April 2022, the decision was rejected." he said.

Aipda AL is known to have an affair with the wife of a TNI member, initials AFA. The actions of the two were known to residents.

The affair was carried out with a woman in Loano Village, Purworejo, Central Java. So we have coordinated with the TNI that the person concerned (Aipda AL) was depressed, then there has been clarification about the video from the person concerned." explained Muhammad Purbaja.

"For the appeal, especially members of the Purworejo Police, this is used as a mirror for all of us that the leadership of the National Police will not cover up the mistakes of members, let alone serious violations and will give strict sanctions. I hope this will be the first and last member of the Purowrejo Police by PTDH. " he concluded.

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