The Supreme Court judge sentenced the defendant Lalu Ikhwanul Joby to 8 years in prison, who acted as director of the corn seed supply company for the procurement project at the NTB Distanbun in 2017. Spokesperson for the Mataram District Court, Kelik Trimargono, revealed that the 8-year sentence for the defendant Joby as Director of PT Wahana Banu Sejahtera (WBS) was in accordance with the excerpt of the cassation decision Number: 4747 K/Pid.Sus/2022, dated September 15, 2022. "In accordance with the excerpt of the decision we just received at the end of last week, the cassation judge sentenced the defendant Joby to 8 years," said Kelik in Mataram, Antara, Monday, November 7. The cassation decision for the defendant Joby was read out by a panel of judges chaired by Desnayeti with members Soesilo and Ansori. In the verdict, he continued, the panel of judges rejected the appeal of the defendants Joby and the public prosecutor and corrected the appeal decision belonging to the defendant Joby Number: 5/PID.TPK/2022/PT MTR, dated March 23, 2022. This improvement is related to changing the sentence for the defendant Joby from 6 years in prison to 8 years. Likewise, the fine was reduced to Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison from the previous Rp. 400 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison. In addition to changing the criminal sanctions, the cassation judge sentenced the defendant to pay compensation for state losses worth Rp. 5.13 billion, subsidiary to 1 year in prison. This additional crime is also in accordance with the court's decision at the first instance Number: 8/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PN Mtr, dated January 10, 2022, which charged the defendantHubby to pay compensation of Rp5.13 billion. In this case, Joby was found guilty in accordance with the primary indictment of the public prosecutor, namely Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20/2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code. The judge stated that the defendantHubby committed a criminal act of corruption together with three other defendants, namely Husnul Fauzi, who at that time served as Head of the NTB Distanbun as well as the power of budget user (KPA), Wikanaya as the project commitment maker (PPK) official, and the director of seed providers from PT Sinta Agro Mandiri (SAM) Arianto Prametu. As a partner, the company owned by Joby distributed 840 tons of corn seeds with a budget of IDR 31 billion. Humby's company distributes seeds from the construction of the second phase of the procurement project. However, most of the seeds distributed by Joby's company were returned by farmers because they were damaged. The issue was also found by the Inspectorate General (Itjen) of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. From these findings, the prosecutor's office investigated this issue until it entered the investigation stage. The prosecutor named Joby along with three other suspects on the basis of calculating BPKP NTB worth IDR 27.35 billion. Based on the calculated results, the state losses incurred from the work of PT WBS worth Rp11.92 billion. The rest appeared in the work of PT SAM belonging to the defendant Arianto Prametu with a value of Rp15.43 billion. When the case was still under investigation, PT WBS together with PT SAM had tried to recover state losses based on the findings of the Inspector General of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. From PT SAM, deposited Rp7.5 billion. Meanwhile, from PT WBS, it was Rp3.1 billion. The money was deposited directly into the state treasury without going through the prosecutor's investigator. The NTB Distanbun in the corn seed procurement project in 2017 allocated a budget of IDR 48.25 billion. The distribution of seeds is carried out in two stages. The first phase was carried out by PT SAM partners with a budget of IDR 17.25 billion for the procurement of 480 tons of corn seeds. The second stage was carried out by PT WBS partners belonging to the defendant Joby.

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