Members of the Central Lombok Regency Satpol PP, West Nusa Tenggara control illegal parking in the green open space (RTH) area of Biao, Central Praya District, because it disturbs public order. "This Monday we are controlling illegal parking locations in the Praya City area in particular," said Head of the Central Lombok Regency Satpol PP, Lalu Rinjani in Praya, Antara, Monday, November 7. Controlling the locations used to park students' vehicles because the green open space area must be clean from street vendors (PKL) and illegal parking lots. "This raid was carried out so that the function of the green open space was not misused," he said. In controlling this, his party does not impose sanctions, but prioritizes persuasive and humanist actions, so that there are no problems between the apparatus and the community. Before carrying out the control, his party has carried out socialization. Control in collaboration with the Department of Transportation. "The location never had a permit, so the control was carried out," he said. In addition, his party also coordinates with schools so that students park their vehicles in official places, so that they are safer and more comfortable. "We have appealed to schools around the area to park in official locations," he said. His party also routinely carries out patrols to prevent students from skipping school. This was done to support the improvement of the quality of education in Central Lombok and students really demand knowledge. "Students who skip are also our attention to prevent unwanted things from happening," said Lalu Rinjani.

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