JAKARTA - The beginning of the year is the time eagerly awaited by employees and workers who will receive additional income in the form of an annual bonus. The bonus is part of the hard work for a year, and of course we want to enjoy it in a special way.

This is very reasonable and okay. However, according to Freddy Tedja, Head of Investment Specialist at PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia (MAMI), don't forget to use the bonuses wisely.

"The bonus is uncertain. Don't be too happy when you receive the bonus," said Freddy in a statement received by VOI, Wednesday, January 29.

Freddy added that bonuses are not fixed income. The amount received can be zero, it can be large. It all depends on our performance and also the company's performance in the previous year.

"Because the amount is uncertain, it is important for us to plan the use of the bonus. Certainly, do not spend the bonus that has not been received," explained Freddy.

According to Freddy, if the bonus received does not match expectations - for example, the amount is below expectation or even not at all - it will be us ourselves. Instead of enjoying the bonus, there are expenses that increase, or even go into debt.

Furthermore, Freddy said that a bonus is like doping, a booster of enthusiasm so that our performance can be even more productive in the future. There is nothing wrong with using bonuses to please ourselves, such as shopping, or on vacation with family.

"Then, what if we have debt? We can also use bonuses to pay off some of our debt obligations. Interest on consumptive debt is much higher than interest on deposits or deposits, so reducing debt obligations will improve our financial condition," he said.

However, he said, don't forget to keep allocating a portion of the bonus portion to please yourself. Because bonuses are the result of our hard work which is lawful, so we must enjoy and be grateful.

Financial Planning from Salary, Not Bonus

It is important to plan the use of bonuses. However, Freddy said, it must be remembered, do not rely on bonuses in the financial planning that we have previously set. Unlike the salary or THR that can be predicted and make sure the amount is not the case with bonuses.

To meet financial goals - such as preparation for children's education, vacation, or preparation for retirement - do financial planning carefully from a more predictable fixed income. At least 20 percent of our income each month is set aside for the future.

Regardless of the amount of bonus received, we must be grateful. If the amount is not as expected, because it is not included in the monthly financial planning, then the predetermined financial goals will not be disturbed.

"However, if the bonus received exceeds expectations, set aside some to increase our investment portion. Please wisely determine the use of bonuses. Remember the formula: Income minus lifestyle equals the future. This means that the more bonuses we spend for the present, the less we will receive. can be used for the future, "he concluded.

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