TRENGGALEK - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini instructed the establishment of social granaries at four locations for flash floods and landslides that hit a number of villages in the southern coastal area of Trenggalek Regency, East Java.
"There are several isolated locations. Now, extreme weather is still happening. The peak of the rainy season is still long. It is feared that the impact on aftershocks will hamper road access to Munjungan District," said Social Minister Risma after reviewing the impact of the flood disaster in Munjungan District, Trenggalek, Antara, Sunday, November 6.
Arriving at the flood site in Tawing Village, in Munjungan District, the Minister of Social Affairs immediately checked disaster points. By riding a motorcycle, the Minister of Social Affairs headed to the banks of the Central River.
Without being awkward, the former Mayor of Surabaya went directly to the river to help the officers. From inside the river, the Minister of Social Affairs also pulled the large wood material that was carried away by the flood.
Accompanied by Trenggalek Regent Mochamad Nur Arifin, the Minister of Social Affairs checked the readiness of the Ministry of Social assistance to overcome the impact of flooding in the area.
Risma also checked the busyness in the public kitchen in Tawing Village, as well as several houses affected by the flood.
To the media crew, Risma explained that the Ministry of Social's assistance has now been distributed Rp628 million.
The value of the assistance will still be added for logistics and kitchen utensils.
"We will supply the kitchen needs, and encourage them to be independent with the logistical assistance provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs, so that they (the vulnerable areas) can be independent. Therefore, the Ministry of Social Affairs builds social granaries at four points at once," he said.
The points of social granaries are in Tawing Village (two locations), one post in Bendoroto Village and another post in Bangun Village, Munjungan District.
The social complex is a form of preventive measures so that residents are protected access to logistics sources.
From observations, the Minister of Social Affairs also saw that the flow of water had caused erosion of roads on the side of the river.
It is feared that the road will be further eroded and have an impact on residents' housing. He asked the community to move quickly. To help residents, the Ministry of Social Affairs will send heavy equipment assistance.
“Preparation must be fast. So that the need for heavy equipment is a priority, ” he said.
To the community, Social Minister Risma hopes that the management of disaster risk management cannot only rely on the government. He asked all parties to work together, involving the community.
" “ I really believe, the strength of society is because of prayer. With prayer, God will definitely help make this easier," he said.
Regent Nur Arifin expressed his deepest gratitude for the attention and concern of Social Minister Risma. Not only buffer stock assistance, food packages and Psychosocial Support Service (LDP) provided, Mrs. Risma will also help find heavy equipment and gabions that are urgently needed at this time.
"Even Mrs. Risma went directly to the river to help pull the large wood material that was carried away by the flood," said Arifin.
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