JAMBI - The Jambi Police Detective and Criminal Unit (Satreskrim) arrested seven robbers who acted in one of the mobile phone shops in Kenali Besar Village, Kota Baru District, Jambi City. "When the perpetrator was arrested, the perpetrators resisted, so we finally took decisive action by shooting in the legs of seven robbers because they resisted when they were arrested," said Head of the Jambi Police Criminal Investigation Unit Kompol Afrito Marbaro in Jambi, Antara, Sunday, November 6. All of these robbers were arrested in Muba Regency, South Sumatra after the police identified the perpetrator through the CCTV store. Afrito said these seven robbers are inter-provincial specialists who have their respective roles. All of these perpetrators are residents of South Sumatra "They are cross-provincial players, from police investigations they claimed to have acted in Bangka, Jambi, Lampung and Palembang," he explained. The role of each perpetrator is that five people are tasked with robbing the victim's belongings, while two others are tasked with monitoring the situation on the ground. "From the information of the perpetrators, they did not even hesitate to injure the victim if there was resistance from the victim," he said. In carrying out the action, the perpetrator managed to rob 76 units of cellphones with a total value of Rp. 165 million. The evidence that was secured from the hands of this gang of robbers was 36 units of cellphones of various brands and types, 1 Samsung brand Dumy, 2 Business brand mice, 1 Robot brand headset, 4 sets of speakers of various brands, 1 iron frame damaged by Las's used condition, 1 unit of black Inova BG 1705 AA and cash worth IDR 5.8 million. He added that the robbers were suspected of Article 363 paragraphs 1 4 and 5 of the Criminal Code regarding the alleged theft with a weighted threat of a maximum of 7 years in prison.

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