JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta District Attorney is waiting for Donny Andy Saragih to surrender himself to the fraud case. If he doesn't come, the team of executing prosecutors will forcibly pick up the former Managing Director of PT Transjakarta.

"He has not carried out his sentence so far, he has not carried out his prison sentence. He has not been executed so he is still hanging around. We are looking for him to be taken to prison," said Head of the Central Jakarta Prosecutor's Office, Riono Budisantoso, when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, January 28.

Riono said, the legal decision from the Supreme Court (MA) for Donny to be detained had been in February 2019. However, the Central Jakarta Prosecutor's Office has not executed it due to a technical error. However, Riono did not explain in detail the location of the technical error.

"At that time, at that time he was still under investigation as a city detainee, now after the decision was made, he should have done it. But, due to technical problems inside, it took a long time to calculate the problem of detention," he said.

Furthermore, his party has coordinated with Donny's attorney to ask him to come to the Central Jakarta Prosecutor's Office to be executed immediately. "We have coordinated with the attorney," he concluded.

Based on the records of his case number 490 / Pid.B / 2018 / PN Jkt.Pst which can be seen on the website of the Central Jakarta District Court, on August 15 2018 Donny and his colleague Andi Tambunan were guilty of extortion and threats. They are subject to criminal sanctions in Article 378 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

At that time, Donny served as Operational Director of PT Eka Sari Lorena Transport. Donny pretended to be a party to the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Donny offered to the President Director of Lorena Gusti Terkelin an agreement that he would not reveal PT Lorena's mistakes in exchange for USD 250,000.

For their actions, the panel of judges sentenced Donny and Andi to one year in prison. And set the two of them to become city prisoners. This decision was also strengthened by the Jakarta High Court.

Not receiving it, Donny and Andi then filed an appeal to the Supreme Court. In the cassation decision number 100 K / PID / 2019 dated February 12, 2019, the panel of judges rejected Donny and Andi's appeal. The judge even sentenced them to 2 years in prison.

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