JAKARTA - The rupiah exchange rate managed to rebound at the opening of trading Wednesday, January 29 this morning. The rupiah managed to strengthen slightly by opening up to 20 points or 0.15 percent appreciation at the level of Rp13,624 per US dollar.

Based on VOI's observation, at 09.10 WIB, the rupiah fluctuated to Rp.13,636, or rose 0.06 percent compared to yesterday's closing.

Monex Investindo Futures Head Researcher Ariston Tjendra said the rupiah's depreciation against the US dollar was likely to be restrained today because risky assets in emerging markets began to strengthen this morning along with easing market concerns over the spread of the corona virus.

"The rupiah could regain its strength towards support at Rp13,600 per US dollar," Ariston told VOI, Wednesday, January 29.

He added that the market's attention turned to the US Central Bank's monetary policy decision which will be released at 02.00 WIB this morning. The market hopes that the Fed will still implement a loose monetary policy where this loose policy could push the US dollar down.

"The potential for the movement of the rupiah today is Rp. 13,600-13,650 per US dollar," said Ariston.

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