JAKARTA - The Director General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Zudan Arif Fakrulloh said the recording of electronic KTP (e-KTP) for voters in the 2020 Pilkada which was carried out ahead of voting day has reached 99.71 percent.

During the past month, the total recording of e-KTP in 309 districts / cities has reached 100,072,129 residents or as much as 99.71 percent of the total number of permanent voter lists (DPT) of 100,359,152 voters.

"In 2020, this is the highest recording record in the last 4 elections," Zudan said in his statement, Wednesday, December 9.

Zudan explained, in the regional head elections in 2015, the coverage of voter e-KTP recording reached 82 percent, in 2017 it rose to 93 percent, in 2018 it was 97 percent, and in the 2020 regional elections it was at the level of 99.71 percent.

Meanwhile, the remaining 0.29 percent or 287,023 voters have not recorded their data from residents registered in the DPT.

"The possibility is that they are Indonesian workers abroad, migrants or students studying in other areas or who do not want to record," said Zudan.

For e-KTP recording activities in prisons (prisons) and detention centers (remand centers) from November to December 8, 2020, it was carried out in 95 prisons and 33 detention centers with a total recording of 2,490.

To support the requirements for voters in prisons and remand centers to vote, the Dukcapil has issued printing 3,517 e-KTPs and 1,170 suket. This is the result of intensive coordination between the Dukcapil and the Directorate General of Lapas.

Last Tuesday, the e-KTP recording ball pick-up service was continued at 11 prisons and 4 detention centers. The results of the recording that day were 96 assisted residents, with 292 copies of e-KTP printing and the issuance of 29 Sukets.

"The prisons and detention centers in question include the Sorolangun Muratara Class III Prison in the North Sumsel Musi Rawas, Jailolo Class IIB Prison in West Halmahera, Sidoarjo Prison, Porong Sidoarjo Prison, Porong Sidoarjo Women's Prison," said Zudan.

Recording of e-KTPs was also carried out in the remand center for the East Belitung Regency Police and the Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency Police and Polsek.

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