SURABAYA - Candidate for mayor of Surabaya number 2, Machfud Arifin and his wife, Lita, voted at TPS 25, Jalan WR Supratman. Machfud Arifin prayed first before going to the polling station (TPS).

Before entering the voting booth, the MA, his nickname, hopes that the maximum participation of residents in Surabaya will exercise their voting rights.

"Hopefully what I hope is the participation of citizens to vote, because it is cloudy. Even though it is cloudy, it is still shady," he said, Wednesday, December 9.

Machfud wants to the maximum extent possible, 60-70 percent of citizens exercise their right to vote. Community participation is important to ensure the best leaders in Surabaya City.

"Because this is a democratic party to determine leaders," he continued.

Machfud said that his house only has two votes. "My one child is small, one is in Kalimantan and the other is the Jakarta KTP," explained the former East Java Police Chief.

Machfud, who is paired with Mujiaman, confirmed his belief in winning the Surabaya Pilkada. The struggle is at its maximum, her last endeavor is now only prayer.

"Because whatever our decision is, we leave it to Allah. I have a principle and belief that no one can get in the way if God wishes," he said.

"The enthusiasm continues for all. Determination of victory and defeat remains at the top. We pray that the maximum is the best for all. God willing, have confidence," he added.

MA-Mujiaman promise

The candidate pair for mayor and vice mayor of Surabaya number 2 Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman emphasized Surabaya's vision of 'Maju Kotane-Makmur Wargane'. This vision is compiled with studies including building synergy between city, provincial and central governments.

"We are focused on accelerating development so that Surabaya will experience a big leap, handling COVID, social health, education and economic recovery are the main priorities for our service period," Machfud Arifin said, speaking of the vision and mission.

Everything, continued Machfud Arifin, can be realized with synergy between levels of government. To be sure, Machfud Arifin wants Surabaya to be a shared home, a comfortable place to live without distinguishing SARA.

"Therefore, the strengthening of national character must be instilled starting from elementary level education and involving the role of the family. We socialize an egalitarian and democratic open arek culture. We must protect all forms of diversity that are formed, ā€¯Machfud Arifin said.

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