The Rules For Making The Latest Sim If Not Graduates The Practice Test And The Cost
Illustration of the latest SIM creation Rules (Photo from Antara)

YOGYAKARTA - The latest SIM-making rule is officially released in the Telegram Letter (ST) Number: ST/2386/X/YAN.1.1./2022. The policy was signed by the Head of the Traffic Corps (Karkolantas) of the National Police Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi on October 31, 2022, on the instructions of the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

In the latest policy of issuing SIMs, residents who fail the SIM test can retest the same day. National Police Chief Listyo Sigit determined that retests can be carried out a maximum of two times. He also instructed Satpas to prepare training for driver's license test participants.

"For participants who are declared not to have passed the SIM issuance exam, they can immediately carry out a retest on that same day or within 14 working days starting from the date they are declared not to have passed," said National Police Chief Listyo Sigit.

The National Police Chief issued this new policy because he received complaints from the public about the length of time for the re-examination of the SIM. The National Police Chief assessed that the duration of the retest time took a very long time. He also asked for the SIM practice test policy to be rectified to make it easier for the public.

The rules regarding the retest of making a SIM are contained in the Regulation of the Indonesian National Police No. 5 of 2021 concerning the Issuance and Marking of a Driving License. Applicants of SIMs can have the opportunity to retest if they do not pass theoretical and practical tests.

SIM applicants are given the opportunity to retest twice within 14 days of the failed exam. So if the SIM applicant fails the skills test through a simulator. The practice test also applies the same policy. Before carrying out the practical test, the applicant is given the opportunity to test in the field where the practice is.

In addition to the retest time rules for making SIMs, there are several other new rules regarding the manufacture and extension of SIMs. The following are the new rules for making SIMs.

The National Police Chief Listyo Sigit also set new rules in the medical and spiritual examination of the driver's license maker. Health certificates for SIM examinations can be found outside the Satpas Building.

SIM examination participants can look for health certificates in doctors and psychologists who have received recommendations according to the provisions. The cost of examination follows the tariff benchmark from the doctor or the psychology of the examiner.

In addition, SIM service officers are prohibited from taking advantage of health check requirements to collect other costs. To supervise and control SIM manufacturing services, the National Police involved the Professional and Propam Police Division.

The cost of making a SIM has been regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 76 of 2020 concerning Types and Tariffs of Non-Tax State Revenue Types that apply to the Police.

The National Police emphasized to all levels of SIM-making services that there should be no illegal levies other than PNBP costs. Here are the details of the cost of making a new SIM.

New SIM Making Fee

General SIM A, A, B I, B I General, B II, and General BII: IDR 120,000.

SIM C, C I, and C II: IDR 100,000

SIM D and D I: IDR 50,000, IDR 250,000 (international)

SIM Extension Fee

General SIM A, A, B I, B I General, B II, and B II General: IDR 80,000

SIM C, C I, and CII: IDR 75,000

SIM D and D I: IDR 30,000, IDR 225,000 (international)

That is the latest SIM-making rule released by the National Police. With this new policy, the National Police hopes that it will be easier for people to make SIMs. That way driving regulations can be realized for the sake of security and safety while driving.

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