The High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) found a number of evidence related to the alleged corruption case in collecting waste levies at the Bandar Lampung Environmental Service (DLH).

Evidence was obtained after the Attorney General's Office searched the office of the Bandar Lampung Regional Tax and Levy Management Agency (BPPRD) today, Thursday, November 3.

Assistant for Special Crimes (Aspidsus) at the Lampung Attorney General's Office, Hutamrin, said the search was based on input from the auditor team or a team of experts related to the alleged corruption case.

"Alhamdulillah, we found several documents that strengthened us. It has been strong to strengthen again with the document, but we will still sort it out again which ones have proof value or not," he said in Bandar Lampung, Thursday, November 3.

He revealed that during the search the Lampung Prosecutor's Office investigator team pocketed documents that strengthened the alleged corruption case in collecting waste levies at DLH in 2019-2021.

"Checking the document in order to strengthen the evidence in the process of investigating the case at the Bandar Lampung DLH," he said.

Separately, the Head of BPPRD Bandar Lampung Yanwardi admitted that his party would cooperate. BPPRD Bandar Lampung will assist the Lampung Prosecutor's Office investigation team regarding this alleged corruption.

"The Attorney General's Office came here for an incident involving the Bandarlampung City DLH. Earlier there were several documents that they needed and we have prepared them to be brought," said Yanwardi.

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