JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan hopes that no residents of the capital will cover up if there is a COVID-19 case in his neighborhood.

"If someone is exposed, don't hide. If you have any symptoms, convey it, because the goal is to protect yourself and your family," said Anies in his remarks during a teleconference at Kampung Tangguh Jaya RW 016 Kapuk, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, 8 December.

Anies said what is needed now is to break the chain of spreading COVID-19 in Jakarta, starting from the village environment.

"If there is an exposed colleague who doesn't admit it, the environment is blocking it, then the transmission will spread," said Anies.

For this reason, Anies assessed the collaboration between the community with the existence of Kampung Tangguh Jaya to form community solidity in facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Previously, the Head of Metro Jaya Police Inspector General Fadil Imran inaugurated Tangguh Jaya Village to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases spreading in DKI Jakarta.

One of the areas visited in the inauguration was RW 016 Kapuk Urban Village, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, on Tuesday.

"Kampung Tangguh Jaya is a community-based collaborative project at the RW level so that it can maximize community-based 3 T (tracing, testing, treatment)," said Fadil.

RW 016 Kapuk Cengkareng is the location of the pilot project for Kampung Tangguh Jaya, due to the high population density and high cases of COVID-19 transmission in the West Jakarta area.

Fadil hopes that the number will decrease from the formation of Kampung Tangguh Jaya with active tracking of symptomatic residents.

As much as possible, the public can check their health through rapid tests and separate people with COVID-19 symptoms to get immediate treatment so that family clusters do not form.

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