JAKARTA - Brigadier J's family attorney, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak, admitted that he received intelligence about Susi's style of dress. ART Ferdy Sambo has changed his style of dress habits every day.

Kamaruddin said -- again referring to intelligence information -- Susi had not previously worn a headscarf. However, when testifying at the Bharada E trial, Susi wore a headscarf.

"I got it from my intelligence, he (Susi) never wore a veil. But when he testified in court, he was in a veil. That is, whether the judge and prosecutor checked under the ear inside the veil," said Kamaruddin at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, November 1.

Kamaruddin then told the custom of the President of the United States or the Prime Minister of Israel who always uses hands-free on his ears to get directions when conveying something.

"For example, if the President of the US or the Prime Minister of Israel travels anywhere, there is something attached to his ear that can communicate with the outside world so that the outside world can know what is happening here. Then the world out there can communicate what he has to say," he said.

Kamaruddin hopes that it will be better for the women's officers to examine witness Susi first. This is to ascertain the truth of the core-general information.

"So what's right, to appreciate her as a Muslim woman, first check by female police or female officers so they don't make excuses. Because from the information I've learned so far, she doesn't have a headscarf. But when she arrived at the trial she was in a headscarf, "he concluded.

Previously, the Defendant of Bharada Richard totaling alias Bharada E stated the testimony of Susi, ART Ferdy Sambo, many did not match the facts or lies. One of them is about a series of incidents of alleged abusers of Putri Candrawathi.

Bharada Richard totaled this statement when asked by the panel of judges to respond to Susi's testimony.

"Please allow Your Majesty for statements from many witnesses who lied," said Bharada E during the trial, Monday, October 31.

"Many are lying, can you say one by one which one is a lie?" asked the judge.

Bharada E then explained one of Susi's lies about the harassment of Putri Candrawathi, which was mentioned on July 4.

"Brother Yosua raises Putri?" asked the judge.

"It's true Your Majesty and I did see that, but there the witness explained that I said don't do that, saying to Yosua even though it's not true. I never said that," replied Bharada E.

Then, Susi was also considered to have lied about the whereabouts of Ferdy Sambo. According to him, the former leader is often at Bangka's house, Kemang, South Jakarta.

"According to the fact, this FS brother is often on Bangka Street, for Saturday-Sunday he just returned to Saguling," said Bharada E.

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