JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Ahmad Shabri Lubis, assessed that the police work like thugs in stalking Rizieq Shihab as an investigation into cases of health protocol violations.

One of them is seen from the testimony of Rizieq's son-in-law, Hanif Alatas, who was driving a car during the clash on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road. Shabri said, there was a car approaching and pointing a middle finger at Hanif.

"While crossing the Cikunir toll road, the car driven by Habib Hanif was grabbed by a black car with the number B 1771 KJL printed, the driver of the car opened the glass and stretched out his tattooed hand towards Habib Hanif's car while holding up his middle finger," said Shabri in his statement, Tuesday , December 8th.

At that time, the car containing an unknown person, who in the end they found out was the police, was driven away by the escort army and herded off the toll road.

Apart from that, Sabri also said that at the time of the clashes, the police never showed their identity as law enforcement officers.

"The behavior of plainclothes officers more reflects the dangerous thuggery behavior and threatens the safety of Habib Rizieq's family," he said.

The police attack by Rizieq Shihab's laskar took place around 00.30 WIB Monday, early morning. Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran said that the police had received news that a mass of supporters of Rizieq Shihab would be deployed in connection with an investigation called Inspector General Fadil circulating in many WhatsApp groups.

The Regional Police conducted an investigation into the truth of the information and followed the vehicle Rizieq was in. On the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, Fadil said the officers' vehicles were intercepted and then attacked using firearms and sharp weapons.

"Members who were threatened with their safety because they were attacked, then took a firm measure of measure, so that the group suspected of being MRS followers, totaling 10, died as many as 6 people," said Fadil.

However, this was denied by the FPI Spokesperson, Munarman. Munarman emphasized that Rizieq made a trip to attend recitation at the residence of his immediate family.

"The news is slander. Habib Rizieq is heading outside Jakarta to attend the nuclear family recitation. I do not want to mention where it is. This is only a nuclear family recitation, it does not involve any parties," said Munarman.

Munarman also denied that Rizieq's followers had firearms. Therefore, Munarman emphasized that no shootout was carried out by the police and members of the laskar.

"That big slander, if our laskar is said to be carrying firearms and shooting. There was no shooting, only shooting incidents. We can't possibly buy (firearms) from the black market. So it's a lie, it's a lie at all. , pervert the facts, "he concluded.

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