RIAU - The Center for Natural Resources Conservation (BBKSDA) Region I Riau arrested a perpetrator of illegal additions or illegal logging that looted the Kerumutan Wildlife Reserve (SM) forest, Pelalawan Regency. The perpetrator is currently being entrusted to the local police. "We have secured the perpetrator AB, a resident of Rengat, Inderagiri Hulu Regency in September this year," said Head of Region I BBKSDA Riau Andri Hansen Siregar in Pekanbaru, Antara, Friday, October 28. The perpetrator, said Hansen, was apart from being detained, he was also still being processed according to the law at the Riau Police. This AB was arrested for being caught in the results of a forest security patrol. Despite having arrested one perpetrator, Hansen admitted, there were still illegal logging activities at the location. Most recently, his party received information about the activity of adding the wildlife asylum forest on Friday and immediately followed up on the location. As a result, 19-20 October 2022, his party found several finished wood found on land and in water. In addition, his party also found the huts made by the perpetrators and the equipment used for illegal logging activities. "We will still conduct sweeps in the Krumutan Wildlife Reserve area. Meanwhile, we have destroyed the huts and wood found," said Hansen. In October, the Directorate General of Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry also arrested the perpetrators of the addition and one unit of heavy excavator equipment. Forest added activity occurs at an area of 120 hectares inside the SM Giam Siak Kecil area, Siak Regency. The arrest was also the result of a joint operation to restore the Giam Siak Kecil Wildlife Forest Reserve Area, Siak Regency, 9-11 October 2022. The perpetrators PS and SUP as enhancers have pocketed their identities with the initials IN alias UL (35).

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