JAKARTA - Witness Munafri Bahtiar who is also Irfan Widyanto's subordinate revealed that the atmosphere of Ferdy Sambo's official house in Duren Tiga was very tense after the Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. In fact, it was likened to a terrorist hunt. The testimony began when asked to tell the atmosphere around Ferdy Sambo's official residence. Because they were at the scene because they were ordered by Irfan Widyanto on July 8, 2022 "Initially we came, maybe in my religion, so what happened to us. So we went there with the intention of being ordered by my commander to come," Munafri said in court, Thursday, October 27. At that time, Munafri who was at the location with his colleague, Tomser Cristianata, was just waiting outside the house, precisely in the field near the security post. From there, he saw many activities in and out of members, either in official or plain clothes. Thus, making the atmosphere even more tense. "It took us a long time, we were tired of waiting outside, we started to get restless, there were a lot of cars going in and out of people wearing official clothes, plain clothes, South Jakarta Police cars, I saw what was going on, so I saw it was very tense," he said. In fact, Munafri assessed that the atmosphere was like a big case was happening. For example, the arrest of terrorists and so on. "But I feel like I'm asking in my heart what's going on until I'm with Tomser what's going on here, maybe there's a terrorist or something. We can enter what's going on outside, so we're aware there may be a very tense incident inside," said Munafri. For information on the obstruction of justice case, there are seven defendants. They are Ferdy Sambo, Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan, Kombes Agus Nur Patria, Kompol Chuck Putranto, Kompol Baiquni Wibowo, AKBP Arif Rachman Arifin, and AKP Irfan Widyanto. They are suspected of violating Article 49 in conjunction with Article 33 and/or Article 48 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 32 paragraph (1) Number 19 of 2016 of the ITE Law. In addition, they were also charged with Article 55 paragraph (1) and/or Article 221 paragraph (1) 2nd and/or Article 233 of the Criminal Code.

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