Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said that the reprimand received by Governor Ganjar Pranowo was normal. Anyone who violates must be punished, including himself. Hasto admitted that he had received sanctions such as Ganjar. The reason is that he violated the party's discipline. "I was also given a sanction as Secretary General of the Party, a reprimand. Because of the discipline in speaking that was not my mandate at that time," said Hasto at a press conference at the PDIP DPP Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, October 24. He did not specify what sanctions he received. Hasto actually talked about the sanctions imposed on Ganjar. Hasto said, the warning was imposed because Ganjar was deemed to have violated instruction number 4503 / internal / DPP / X / 2022 which was signed on October 7 by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. "Here it is emphasized about political communication. This letter is very clear that it cannot be interpreted differently," said Hasto. Furthermore, Hasto reminded the importance of PDIP cadres focusing on overcoming the problems of the nation and state. This step is to assist the work of the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). "Therefore, related to the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, it does require deep thinking and at the right moment it will be conveyed," said Hasto. "Because whatever when the 2024 election is held in an atmosphere of the period of life, a much better economy, with maximum legacy with President Jokowi's leadership," he continued. As previously reported, Ganjar Pranowo was sanctioned for his statement that he was ready to run if he was appointed as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. Although he did not violate party discipline, this statement was considered to have made multiple interpretations. "So that justice in the party is upheld to all members from Sabang to Merauke, so we, I convey, impose verbal warnings to Pak Ganjar Pranowo as cadres," said Head of the Honorary Division of the PDIP DPP Komarudin Watubun at a press conference at the PDIP DPP, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, October 24. With this sanction, Ganjar is expected to be more disciplined. Moreover, Ganjar called Komarudin, not yesterday afternoon's cadre. "He is not a new cadre, this is a senior cadre, including seniors in the party. This is the first time he has entered Papua to carry out regeneration there," he said. "Therefore, he must be more disciplined," continued Komarudin.

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