To Save, 6 State Schools In Central Jakarta Use Solar Power As A Energy Source
Illustration of schools in Central Jakarta/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - A total of 6 public schools in Central Jakarta use Solar Power Plants (PLTS) to save electricity. This was conveyed by the Head of the Energy Section (Kasie) of the Central Jakarta Transmigration and Energy Manpower Sub-dept. (Sudin Nakertrans-E), Bambang Prayitno, Monday, October 25.

"Currently, there are 6 schools starting from elementary, junior high, high school that we have installed PLTS. This installation is a form of electricity savings," said Bambang Prayitno, in his statement.

Bambang said, PLTS panels in each school have different capacities. As in SMPN 72 schools, there are 48 PLTS panels installed with a capacity of 15,000 watts.

"The amount of electricity produced by PLTS can be used immediately to turn on computers, lights and school air conditioning," he said.

After the construction of PLTS in schools, Bambang continued, his party will build in houses of worship, sub-district offices, sub-districts.

"If it becomes next year, it will be built but the DKI Jakarta Nakertrans-E Service will determine," he said.

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